Welcome to the GridRepublic Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. If you don't find what you are looking for, feel free to point out shortcomings in the associated "Comments" page, via the button at bottom. Also, as you solve (or don't solve) you issues, please return to these help pages to clarify or expand the articles for future users; this is a community document and it needs your input to evolve.
- How do I download the desktop application?
- I'm a BOINC user, why isn't GridRepublic showing my credits?
- I made changes at the website, why aren't the changes applied at my desktop machine(s)?
- My computer is listed multiple times in the "My Computers" list
- Is there a way to remove computers from the "My Computers" list, or to merge listings?
- How do I change my password?
- I'm having problems changing settings for "World Community Grid"
- How do I change my preferences?
- How do I create an article (page) here in the documentation?
- How do I download the desktop application?
- What is the difference between GridRepublic Desktop and BOINC?
- I'm getting a "can't connect to localhost" error
- Changes made at the website aren't being applied to my desktop app
- In the "messages" tab-- Why does my desktop client keep trying to attached these projects when they are already attached?
Use the "Comment" button below for discussion of this article-- ie, is it right or wrong; is it clear or unclear; are there areas that need to be expanded?
For general HELP discussions, please use the "Discussions" tab at the top of the article frame.