My client contacts GridRepublic and Einstein@Home every hour on the hour, as shown below.
13-Sep-2009 05:23:09 [---] Contacting account manager at 05:23:12 [---] Account manager contact succeeded13-Sep-2009 05:23:17 [Einstein@Home] Sending scheduler request: Requested by account manager. Requesting 0 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks13-Sep-2009 05:23:23 [Einstein@Home] Scheduler request succeeded: got 0 new tasks
I understand (from reading Discussion topics) the rational for the client to contact GridRepublic periodically--to keep updated with changes made on the GridRepublic website. There doesn't appear to be any reason for the client to periodically contact Einstein@Home, however. The frequent nonproductive contacts with E@H just clutter up the Messages tab, making it more difficult to locate relevant information.
Is there a .xml file I could edit to stop these contacts with E@H, such as client_state.xml, or perhaps some other file? On the other hand, there may be nothing users can do, since the scheduler request is made by the account manager. So it's an interesting problem.
If you would kindly tell me if there is a file I could edit and a value I could change, you would be performing a great service, not only for me, but for others who have this problem. It would also be a fine opportunity for users to become more knowledgable about the software they are running, and more comfortable with controlling it.
Thank you in advance for your help and assistance.
Steve, the reason that after a contact to GridRepublic your comptuer contacts Einstein@home servers is GridRepublic does not store the preferences locally. They are stored on the project servers.
Einstein@home is probably the project which GridRepublic considers the preferences master for your profile it is referenceing that project to verify the preference have not changed. GridRepublic provides the seamless integration to sync the preferences.