"Add Project" on gridrepublic.org: any way to hide suspended & unresponsive projects?

ID: 29138
Posts: 2

While we're at it, how about checkboxes to add a bunch at once. 
ID: 15261
Posts: 141

GridRepublic is working to improve the website and your experience. 

Updating the project list to remove discontinued and add new projects, improving performance, and adding more functionality in many areas are a few things on the list. 

Currently only on the initial signup can multiple projects be added at once.  The suggestion to extend check box signup to the normal adding of projects is on the list to be considered.

Could you specify where you would like the ability to hide unresponsive or suspended projects?

You can help to accelerate our development process by making a donation at http://www.gridrepublic.org/giving

Thank you for the suggestion.

ID: 29138
Posts: 2

Thanks a lot! I'd appreciate hiding suspended/closed/unresponsive projects on the page accessible by clicking Projects, then Add.
ID: 15261
Posts: 141

Thank you Chris.  Cleaning up the projects in the Add list are part of the update to remove the old and add support for new projects.  I agree that temporary unavailable and suspended projects should be delt with in some way.  It will be looked into how best to do this.
ID: 21503
Posts: 326

i think most inactive projects are listed, but have no "add" button.  

we will look to add an option in the dropdown menu above the project lists to filter these out from view: that would be nice.

ID: 39923
Posts: 1

As has been mentioned repeatedly in these threads, there is no option for merging computers or removing inactive ones. As per your instructions, I began going to the individual websites. I went to five of them; each one either had no merge function, or would only merge computers with the same name. There was no way to simply delete old, inactive systems.

This is too much effort. I'll simply leave the old computer names on the various lists - but it's absolutely absurd that all of you computer people can't develop a universally agreed-upon interface that includes these basic functions.

ID: 21503
Posts: 326

we'll be able to add such a feature at some point in the future; it's a bit harder than it sounds, but we'll get to it.  thanks for your interest & input.
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