Before I say anything I must say this: GridRepublic is one of the most exciting projects that I've seen in my entire life of network engineering. Period.
That said, I must ask--is it possible, without trying to dig thru docs, to find out approximately what a "CPU-year" is? I know the definition, but not the context. What type of machine is used for reference? What chipset? What processor speed at what RAM size? Etc
I am going to send every "geek" I know to parcipitate in this but, trust me, they're all gonna want to know the same thing. We're spec-happy.
Thanks for your help,
Thanks Ron. a CPU-year (in some contexts called a G-Year) is calculated on with reference to a 1 GFLOP processor. More info is in this article.
Also, if you want to spread the word, consider adding "Progress Thru Processors", the Facebook application we've developed in partnership with Intel.
Thanks again for your interest.