Current Test Agenda

With your help, in Phase I, we successfully debugged server connection problems.  In Phase II of testing we seek to have Alpha Testers try every feature of GridRepublic and the GridRepublic (BOINC) client. It is, for better or for worse, a fairly long list. We appreciate any feedback you are able to provide.

Please submit all feedback to the Alpha Test Mailing List.  (Please join if you have not done so already.)

Test Site

The test site is available at www.gridrepublic.org/gr

For testing purposes, please limit to the following projects:

  • Seti
  • Seti Beta
  • CPlan
  • Predictor
  • Einstein

...projects other than the above may or may not work, for a variety of reasons.


Useful Tips while Testing

  • Changes made at the website (ex adding/removing projects, changing preferences, etc) can take time to propagate.  To apply changes in near-real-time, you need to open the client application and manually initiate an update.  This can be done by going to the "Tools" menu and selecting "Synchronize with GridRepublic”.
  • Note that the client has a "Messages" tab: this logs all activity and can be a useful debugging tool.  This log can be copied with the "Copy Messages" button on that screen, and can be pasted into bug report emails.
  • You may want to uninstall and reinstall at various times for testing (or if you just want out).  To uninstall, go to your control panel, select "Add/Remove" and then remove "GridRepublic".  Note that for a complete uninstall you need also to go to "/Program Files" and to delete the "BOINC" folder.  Else, any subsequent installation will remember who you are and your projects, which may or may not be what you want as a test user.


Unguided Exploration

  • Try using GridRepublic (www.gridrepublic.org/gr).  Please report back with feedback about areas of difficulty, either as a result of inadequate UI or technical problems.


Scenario #1: New User / Bundled Client

  • Quit and Uninstall BOINC (if previously installed).
  • Delete or rename any existing Program Files/BOINC directory.
  • Create "new user" account at GridRepublic; download GridRepublic Client.
  • Install GridRepublic Client.
  • Verify that Client installer runs properly, and that it brings up the "Attach to GridRepublic" wizard.
  • Via the "Attach" Wizard: attach to GridRepublic by providing email+password
  • Confirm work is downloaded to Client and started.
  • Confirm project list in the Client matches list in GridRepublic user account (that is: confirm that the list in the client application matches the list on the website)
  • Confirm computer is listed in GridRepublic user account


Scenario #2: Existing BOINC User / Upgrade Install

  • Create "Import" account at GridRepublic; download GridRepublic Client.
    • in the "join" process: attach existing account(s)
    • in the "join" process: also add one or more new projects
  • Uninstall BOINC.
  • Install new Client (version downloaded from GridRepublic).
  • Verify that Client installer runs properly, and that it brings up the "Attach to GridRepublic" wizard.
  • Via the "Attach" wizard: attach to GridRepublic by providing email+password
  • Things to look for:
    • Confirm work is downloaded to Client and started.
    • Confirm project list in the Client matches project list in GridRepublic user account
    • On Website, EDIT PROJECTS page: Confirm Project Preferences (ex "Newsletter?" option and "Resource Share") are correctly imported-- that is, confirm that these show any values you may have set prior to joining GridRepublic.
    • On website, STATUS (home) page: Confirm computer is listed in "My Computers"
    • On Website: Confirm General Preferences are correctly imported-- that is, that these show any values you may have set prior to joining GridRepublic.  General Preferences can be viewed by going to EDIT COMPUTERS and clicking "View/Edit Preference Sets". 
      • Note: GridRepublic uses the term "Preference Set" in place of the BOINC term "Location".


Scenario #3: Existing BOINC User / Attach to Existing Client (BOINC 5.3.26 or later)

  • Create "Import" account at GridRepublic.
    • attach existing account(s)
    • also add one or more new projects
  • Open BOINC Client, run "Account Manager" wizard available via "Tools" menu.
    • provide Account Manager URL: www.gridrepublic.org
    • provide email+password used when registering at GridRepublic
  • Things to look for:
    • Confirm work is downloaded to Client and started.
    • Confirm project list in the Client matches project list in GridRepublic user account
    • On Website, EDIT PROJECTS page: Confirm Project Preferences (ex "Newsletter?" option and "Resource Share") are correctly imported-- that is, confirm that these show any values you may have set prior to joining GridRepublic.
    • On website, STATUS (home) page: Confirm computer is listed in "My Computers"
    • On Website: Confirm General Preferences are correctly imported-- that is, that these show any values you may have set prior to joining GridRepublic.  General Preferences can be viewed by going to EDIT COMPUTERS and clicking "View/Edit Preference Sets". 
      • Note: GridRepublic uses the term "Preference Set" in place of the BOINC term "Location".


GridRepublic - Add Computer(s)

Note to testers: if circumstances allow, please add multiple computers to your account before continuing: in the past, certain bugs have only appeared in accounts with more than one computer.

  • Login at GridRepublic (www.gridrepublic.org/gr)
  • Select the "My Computers" tab on the STATUS page
  • Use the "Add" button to connect the ADD COMPUTER page, then click "Get It Now" to initiate download of a new Client.
  • On local machine:
    • Download Client to new machine; run install-attach wizard
      • note: before running installer, be sure to uninstall any previously existing BOINC Client and to delete/rename the program files/boinc directory. OR
      • if you have a current BOINC Client (5.3.26 or later) on the machine, you can run the "attach to account manager" wizard available via the tools>account manager menu item in the client.
    • Confirm new machine successfully attaches to all projects associated with GridRepublic account
  • On GridRepublic Website:
    • either (a) click "refresh" on any screen, or (b) log out and then log in again.
    • Confirm new machine is listed on the website


GridRepublic - Edit Projects

Edit Resource Share

  • Login at GridRepublic. Click "My Projects" > "Edit"
  • on EDIT PROJECTS, select a project
  • Change project resource share, click "Apply"
  • Test Update Method #1:
    • Confirm local Client(s) reflects change without any explicit action (requires a 60 minute interval)
  • Change another project resource share, then:
  • Test Update Method #2:
    • Open Client(s)
    • Use Tools > "Synchronize with GridRepublic"
    • Confirm local Client(s) reflect change
  • Confirm update propagates to project server:
    • Login to project server (e.g. setiathome.berkeley.edu), using same email+pw as provided to GridRepublic
    • Confirm the proper setting is applied at project server: click on Preferences > [Projectname] Preferences >View or Edit

Add a Project

  • Login at GridRepublic. Click "My Projects" > "Add"
  • on ADD PROJECTS page, select a project and click "Add"
  • Test Update Method #1:
    • Confirm local Client(s) reflect new project without any explicit action (requires a 60 minute interval)
    • Login at GridRepublic (or if already logged in click "Refresh"); on STATUS (home) page, click the "My Computers" tab to see if any duplicate hosts have been created
  • Add another project, then:
  • Test Update Method #2:
    • Open Client(s)
    • Use Tools > Synchronize with GridRepublic
    • Confirm local Client(s) reflect new project
    • Login at GridRepublic (or if already logged in click "Refresh"); on STATUS (home) page, click the "My Computers" tab to see if any duplicate hosts have been created

Remove/Add a Project

  • (be sure you have at least three projects in your account before running this test)
  • (same process as "Edit Resource Share", above)
  • Login at GridRepublic. Click "My Projects" > "Edit"
  • on EDIT PROJECTS, select a project
  • Click "Remove"
  • Test Update Method #1:
    • Confirm local Client(s) reflect removal of project without any explicit action (requires a 60 minute interval)
  • On the website: Remove another project, then:
  • Test Update Method #2:
    • Open Client
    • Use Tools > Synchronize with GridRepublic
    • Confirm local Client(s) reflect removal of project
  • On website: Go to ADD PROJECT and add a previously removed project. 
  • Test Update Method #1:
    • Confirm local Client(s) reflect addition of project without any explicit action (requires a 60 minute interval)
    • Login at GridRepublic (or if already logged in click "Refresh"); on STATUS (home) page, click the "My Computers" tab to see if any duplicate hosts have been created
  • Add another previously removed project, then:
  • Test Update Method #2:
    • Open Client
    • Use Tools > Synchronize with GridRepublic
    • Confirm local Client(s) reflects addition of project
    • Login at GridRepublic (or if already logged in click "Refresh"); on STATUS (home) page, click the "My Computers" tab to see if any duplicate hosts have been created
  • Repeat Remove/Add sequence
    • For one or more of the projects you removed and then re-added above, please repeat the process, removing and adding a second time. 

Edit Project "Project Newsletter" option

  • Login at GridRepublic, click "My Projects" > "Edit"
  • In EDIT PROJECTS, Check/uncheck "Newsletter?" option for a project, and click "apply" to submit the change.
  • Login to project server (e.g. setiathome.berkeley.edu), using same email+pw as provided to GridRepublic
  • Confirm the proper setting is applied at project server: click on Preferences > [Projectname] Preferences >View or Edit


GridRepublic - Edit Computers

Add Computer
[tested previously]

Edit General [Default] Preferences

  • Login at GridRepublic, click My Computers > "Edit"
  • In EDIT COMPUTERS, select a computer where "computer location" = "General [Default]"
  • Click "View/Edit Preference Sets"
  • On EDIT PREFERENCE SET, change one or more settings and click "Apply"
  • Login to project server (e.g. setiathome.berkeley.edu), using same email+pw as provided to GridRepublic
  • Confirm the revised preference is applied at project server by clicking on Preferences > General Preferences > View or Edit
  • On one or more local machines assigned to the "General [Default]" location: confirm Client behavior reflects revised preference

Add and Apply a secondary Preference Set
(note: a GridRepublic "Preference Set" is the same as  BOINC "Location")

  • Login at GridRepublic
  • In EDIT COMPUTERS, select a computer where "Preference Set" = "General [Default]"
  • Change "Preference Set" to something other than "General [Default]"; click "Apply" to submit the change.
  • Click "View/Edit Preference Sets"
  • When viewing EDIT PREFERENCE SETS page, confirm that "Computer List" tab shows only those machines assigned to the current (new) Preference Set.  (...if this is the first time creating the new preference set, this means only the one machine should be listed...)
  • Change one or more settings for this preference set; click "Apply"
  • Login to project server (e.g. setiathome.berkeley.edu), using same email+pw as provided to GridRepublic
  • Confirm the new preference set / location is created and the revised preference is applied at project server by viewing Preferences > General preferences > View or Edit
  • On one or more local machines assigned to the new Preference Set: confirm Client behavior reflects revised preference


Merge Hosts
feature in development


GridRepublic - My Account
05-10-06: known issue with these features, pls do not test

  • Change email and/or password
  • Log out; attempt to log in again
  • Attempt to login at one or more project servers with new info
  • Confirm communication with Client(s) is uninterrupted
  • In any Client, initiate synch with website: use Tools > Synchronize with GridRepublic


Interval Tests

After some time has passed (enough for one or more workunits to have been completed):

  • Confirm work is being reported in Client (projects show credits)
  • Confirm work is being reported on GridRepublic (check credits for projects and computers)
  • Confirm work is being reported as done on project servers (check credits)
  • Confirm all three locations-- local Client(s), GridRepublic, Project Website(s)-- report matching results


Client Functions

Suspend a project locally

  • Open local Client application
  • in "Projects" tab, select a project and click "Suspend"
  • either (a) wait 60 minutes, or (b) use Tools > Synchronize with GridRepublic to synch Client with website
  • Login to website.  (If already logged in, click "refresh" on your home page or elsewhere.)
  • Click on "My Computers" tab; and click "Edit" computers.
  • In EDIT COMPUTERS, in the list at left, confirm an "alert" icon is shown beside any computer with a suspended project.
  • Select the computer on which you suspended the project in the previous steps.
  • Click the "Status" tab at left: confirm status is properly reported for all projects.
  • Select another computer at right: Confirm that project suspension is properly displayed on this computer (and no others).

Add a project via the Client

  • Add a project via the Client
  • Observe how this affects function of Client and GridRepublic

Detach a project locally

  • Open local Client
  • in "Projects" tab, select a project and click "Detach"
  • either (a) wait 60 minutes, or (b) use Tools > Synchronize with GridRepublic to synch Client with website
  • Check to see that project is re-attached by GridRepublic.  [this is a feature not a bug]